Introduction It gives me great pleasure to cordially welcome you to the Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Kwai Chung) website. Through this website you will be able to know more about our school. Our school was established in 1982 by Kiangsu Chekiang and Shanghai Residents’ (Hong Kong) Association. Our school motto is “Be Orderly and Respectful”. We believed that there is great potential in each student. We, as a teacher or parent, should create a positive learning environment that facilitate students to actualize their potentials. Most of our students showed improvements in academic performance after six years of study in our school. That is why we have high value addedness in most DSE subjects. Besides learning, our school provides lots of co-curricular activities for students, such as interest clubs, outings, competitions and social services, in order to develop leadership skills and healthy self-esteem. We aim at nurturing all round development of students. I hope that browsing this website will give a better picture of the education in KCCKC. Should you require further information, please feel free to contact me. K.M. Leung, Dr. 梁健文校長簡歷: 梁博士於2014年9月1日出任葵涌蘇浙公學校長。梁校長早年畢業於香港大學理學院及香港中文大學教育學院,從事教育心理研究多年,對研究青少年的職業興趣和升學抱負尤感興趣,先後發表多篇論文,在2007年考獲西澳洲大學博士學位。 學歷: 教育博士(西澳大學)、 教育碩士(輔導) (香港中文大學)、 教育碩士(英語教學) (香港教育學院)、 文學碩士(學校改進及領導) (香港中文大學)、 理學士(香港大學)、 教育文憑(香港中文大學)、 心理學文憑(香港中文大學)、 英文文憑 (香港教育學院)、 基督教研究文憑(中國神學研究院)
研究興趣: 事業發展、學生輔導、羅氏模型 梁健文(2014)。「中學資優生的生涯發展」,修錄於資優樂(第12期)。香港:香港資優教育學院。
梁健文、潘笑蘭(2009) 。「 可持續發展學校的建設----香港青松侯寶垣中學的分享。」修綠於第四屆北京可持續發展教育國際論壇之論文摘要。
佘文基、袁文得、劉兆瑛、梁健文、陳茂釗、許錦屏、艾思柏編 (2005)。「生活技能發展課程:活動設計 ( 附送光碟 )」。香港大學教育學院:生活技能發展計劃。
袁文得、梁健文、許錦屏(2004)。載於林瑞芳主編,教育心理學實用手冊 (頁133-145)。香港: 香港心理學會教育心理學部。
袁文得、艾思柏、許錦屏、梁健文、劉兆瑛、陳茂釗、佘文基、柯新艷編 (2004)。「事業發展自我效能量表:使用者手冊」。香港大學教育學院:生活技能發展計劃。
袁文得、艾思柏、許錦屏、梁健文、劉兆瑛、陳茂釗、佘文基、柯新艷編 (2004)。「學業發展自我效能量表:使用者手冊」。香港大學教育學院:生活技能發展計劃。
袁文得、艾思柏、許錦屏、劉兆瑛、陳茂釗、佘文基、梁健文、柯新艷編 (2004)。「個人與群性發展自我效能量表:使用者手冊」。香港大學教育學院:生活技能發展計劃。
袁文得、劉兆瑛、梁健文、佘文基、陳茂釗、許錦屏、艾思柏編 (2003)。「生活技能發展及全方位輔導計劃:理論與實踐」。香港大學教育學院:生活技能發展計劃。(生活技能發展計劃的文章可從此網址下載: http://web.hku.hk/~life/chi/chi_rp.htm )英文著作:(link to the publication list) Principal's Profile:
Before joining KCCKC, Dr. Leung served as a science teacher, head of guidance team and Vice-Principal in secondary school for about 20 years. Besides, he was an experienced teacher trainer and had served as a full-time Teaching Consultant at the Faculty of Education of the University of Hong Kong for five years. His teaching areas were: Psychology for Classroom Teaching, Guidance and Counselling, Science Teaching and Supervision. Qualifications:
Selected Publications: Leung, T.K.M., & Waugh, R. F. (2011). A Rasch measure of career decision-making self-efficacy. In R. F. Waugh (Ed.), (pp.168-202), Applications of Rasch measurement in education. New York: Nova Science Publishers. Leung, T.K.M., & Waugh, R. F. (2011). A Rasch measure of attitude towards career counseling. In R.F. Waugh (Ed.), (pp.203-219), Applications of Rasch measurement in education. New York: Nova Science Publishers. Yuen, M.T., Hui, E.K.P., Lau, P.S.Y., Gysbers, N.C., Leung, T.K.M., Chan, R.M.C., & Shea, P.M.K. (2009). Assessing the Personal-Social Development of Hong Kong Chinese Adolescents. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 28 (4), 317-330. Leung. S. A., Leung, K. M., Chan, P. O. (2003). Ethical Counseling Practice: A Survey of Teacher-Counselors in Hong Kong Secondary Schools. Asian Journal of Counseling, 10(1),71-94. Research Areas: Career Development, School Guidance, Rasch measurement 榮休校長曾其鞏先生給同學的信: |