給同學的信 > 二零一三年十一月




……has prepared you to face the challenges of globalization and of uncertainties(在中學階段接受的教育,是為你們將會面對的全球化和不明朗的挑戰作好準備);……. It is with these needs in mind that the school curriculum has been designed(中學的課程便是因應以上需求而設計的),……

     - The first are the languages. We all have the advantage not only of our own language, which connects to our culture and heritage, but also English, which opens a window to the wide world of learning and wisdom, and which places you on the global stage. (首先在語文學習的掌握方面,我們不單擁有自己具有文化和傳統特色的語言,而且還會學習英語,讓我們有機會接觸到廣闊無邊的知識領域和智慧,令我們得以有機會站上世界的舞台。)



校長  曾其鞏   謹啟

