Student’s Good Work> Anthology of English essays -Junior Achievement Program


Junior Achievement Program
by Mak Pui Man (4B)

As the production director of ‘Mystery’, I am so proud of myself since I have learnt and grown through joining this program. It is never easy to run a business successfully. When we were still preparing for the trade fair, we often bumped into trouble and conflict. I knew I wasn't able to tackle these problems just by myself, so I approached others for advice and I listened to my teammates to understand their needs. The first thing I have learnt is that I should always be a good listener and always not be afraid to approach others for advice.

At the beginning of this project, we had some technical issues so we failed to make products of good quality.  Eventually, we found the best way to produce them after a million failures. The second thing I have learnt is to accept failures as part of the process to success under any situation.  I should always look at the bright side when facing any challenges and obstacles in my way.

During the trade fair, we promoted our products a lot which made me realize that even if our products are not eye catching enough, providing good promotion and service might encourage customers to buy our products.  Consequently, I should always observe the surroundings to understand other people better so that we can provide what our customers need.

After all, the most important thing that I have learnt is showing respect to our teammates, no matter what positions they take up. If we are humble and thoughtful, we can establish good relationships with others thus leading to better cooperation. Of course, having joined this program, my business sense and leadership skills have been enhanced. I can definitely assure you that this unique experience will help me in my future career well.

The skills I have been taught, such as leadership, team spirit and communication skills, are very practical for my future career.  They are the main elements of running a business and being successful. Now I can manage my team better with good leadership and I can accomplish work efficiently with team spirit. I understand the needs of customers such that I figure out what they are thinking and help my social life with social communication skills.  I can apply these skills easily after joining this pragmatic business program.

Although we might not be the best company, I do see a lot of potential in ourselves. If you are interested in the commercial sector, perhaps you could take the chance and join this program in the future.